Art Direction - Project 3 & Final Project: Complete Art Guide

29 Nov 2024 - 03 Jan 2025 (Week 10 - Week 14)
Vincent Lee // 0359386
Art Direction // Bachelor of Design (Hons) in Creative Media // Taylor's University
Project 3 & Final Project: Complete Art Guide


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Project 3 & Final Project: Complete Art Guide
The Complete Art Guide should present the project's proposed look and feel, tailored to the target audience and market needs. It should include the concept overview, pre-visualized mockups, theme, color palettes, design language, typefaces, art style, composition, scale, and other key elements. This guide serves as a one-sheet reference for the production team.

Project 3
Week 11 (06 Dec 2024) - Digitisation of UI Assets

Figure 1.1 - Roles and Task Allocation, Week 11 (06 Nov 2024)

After discussion, we decided to remain the art styles of the game. So quickly, we get to find similar font pairing for our game to integrates in our game UI redesign. the fonts selection were both inherited the characteristics of the original game, where one is kind of bold, playful, quirky and sharp, and the other also bolded, and rounded at the same time.

So for this week, I breakdown my to-do, starting with mimicking the font, as I observe that the original one has strokes on the outside of the text, in the meantime, the bottom were more thicker than the rest, hence by doing so, I also to make the text seems to be bolded, I added strokes and then apply 'Drop Shadow' at the bottom of it.

Figure - Fonts Pairing [Imitate], Week 11 (06 Nov 2024)

Figure - Text with Bolded Strokes [Ori]

So based on this week progression, I will need to be giving Sarah a panel of the gameplay screen so she can overlaid on top the redesigned game scene. While the rest of the screens will be proceeded after the next class.

On the left, is the original gameplay scene with their GUI, on the right, is my imitation.

Figure - Gameplay Screen

Although remaining of the original game art styles, but in the meantime we also tried to make changes on the UI design too, including buttons, panels, layouts and placements. So below are our button designed where the inner shadow making the outer of the button have like the protrusion kind of visual feel.

Figure - Button [Pause] Design

Figure - Malaysia KTM Signage Board Design

Continue working with the panel, and it was somehow tedious as it require different settings and colour for each button and panel, inducing the making the fonts having thicker strokes on the bottom, all these requires a lot of time and attention to details to make.

Figure - Timer Countdown

Applying the different buttons and panels design and overlaid on the game. Although there are not much different in between these two designs but I would say our design integrated in the gameplay better (honest, no bias, even ChatGPT said it too). I think is due to the protrusion of the button stokes and the shadow makes it more clear to see and to interact with.

Figure - Score Screen

Figure - AI Feedback

Week 12 (13 Dec 2024) - Redesign & Develop of UI Assets

Figure - Tasks

Figure - Project 3: Project Milestone, Week 12 (13 Dec 2024)

Week 13 (20 Dec 2024) - Refined of UI Assets

Final Project Submission

Figure - Final Project: Complete Art Guide, Week 14 (03 Jan 2025)


Week 12
Consultation Summary with Miss Anis on UI Design and Assets 

1.⁠ ⁠Feedback on Icons:
My part is okay but needs more Malaysian elements like Bunga Raya or KL Twin Towers to replace the current icons often used with buttons.  

2.⁠ ⁠Design Consistency:
Ensure the design is consistent across all pages; no need to apply changes to every page if the layout works.  

3.⁠ ⁠Color Scheme:
Update the colour scheme to be more vibrant (e.g., red, yellow, blue) instead of the current muted blue.  

4.⁠ ⁠Final Submission:
Prepare a brand guideline document, including details like dimensions and other specifications for the final submission.


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